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Video Script: Renting an ApartmentLocation/Activity: At Home in Ash’s Current Apartment[Two young men are in an apartment and we hear one say “Hey, could you get more boxes from the grocery store?” The other man answers “Yeah”.] Skills Alert: Scheduling or Budgeting and Accounting, Level 2 Ash: …I don’t what to spend more than 25% of my take home pay on rent… Ash: The only apartments I could find in the newspaper are either too far from work or too expensive. Ash: [Picks up map and uses his finger to search through the map] I located them on a map to see if they’re close enough to work, and I’m calling to get more information. [Picks up the telephone receiver and dials number. He has a pen in his hand and paper beside him.] Ash: [Speaking on telephone] Hi, I was wondering if you had the apartment available? Is it a lease agreement or is it month-to-month? Okay, what kind of security does the building have? Skills Alert: Oral Communication, Level 2 Ash: [Writes down answers on the paper] Is the first and last required? Are utilities included? What’s the earliest move in date? Skills Alert: Writing, Level 1 Ash: [Crosses off one item on the paper] Some time today would be perfect. [Hangs up the phone and grabs his paper] Skills Alert: Document Use, Level 1 Location/Activity: Outside on way to visit Apartment #1Ash: [Screenshot: Apartment for Rent 416-000-5521] I’ve collected all the information I can, and I’m going to check out two of the best possibilities. [We see Ash walking down the street] I have my map and my notes and decided to walk, since both locations are quite close by. Skills Alert: Document Use, Level 1 Location/Activity: Inside Apartment #1[A man is on a ladder painting a stairwell. A woman is holding the ladder for him.] Landlord: You the guy that phoned? Landlord: Okay, great. [Comes down the ladder and hands paint roller to assistant] Here Siya, if you do the walls I’ll do the trim later. Landlord: [Shakes hands with Ash. The two of them start walking down the stairs.] Let me show you the apartment. [Opens door to bathroom and the two of them look in.] So, three piece bath. Landlord: [The two of them are in the kitchen.] So this is the kitchen, and you’ve got your electric stove over here…two sinks – like that. [Screenshots of stove and sinks] Ash: Do you have copies of old utility bills, from the past tenants? Landlord: Yeah, I have them over here. [Opens kitchen drawer and hands papers to Ash] Look through these, I think it’s pretty reasonable overall. Ash: [Looks through utility bills] Oh, perfect…yeah. Skills Alert: Document Use, Level 2 Ash: [Landlord walks Ash out of the building. Ash turns to speak to Landlord.] So I have to say, I really like the place! Um, what would I have to do to get the application started? Landlord: Okay, well what I’d like you to do is fill out the rental applications. [Landlord hands Ash some papers] I’m going to do a credit check on you, and I want a couple of references and so on. I’ve also got a copy of the lease agreement, you should look that over…if you take the place that’s what we’re going to have do… Ash: Yeah. Landlord: Sign that out. Perfect. Ash: Okay, great. Landlord: [Shaking hands] Excellent, thank you very much. Ash: Thanks. [Landlord returns into the apartment and Ash leaves] Skills Alert: Oral Communication, Level 2 Location/Activity: On the Way and Visiting Apartment #2[Screenshot: Sign on City Street: Apartment for Rent with an arrow pointing right. We see Ash walk down a laneway and then return.] Ash: I like this apartment as much as the last one, but the landlord seemed to think I was too young and he seemed disappointed that I wasn’t married. I don’t think that’s any of his business. Location/Activity: Back in Ash’s Current ApartmentAsh: [Computer screen showing Residential Tenancies Act, Statutes of Ontario, 2006, Chapter 17] I was suspicious about the landlord of the second apartment so I checked the Landlord Tenant Act, [Cursors through this website] and discovered that he can’t discriminate on the basis of age or marital status. Skills Alert: Reading Text, Level 4 Ash: [Sitting at the computer viewing the screen. His papers and a calculator are on the desk to his right] I checked over all my notes before making a final decision. Skills Alert: Decision Making, Level 2 Ash: [Screenshot of utility bill and calculator] When I reviewed the utility costs, I could see that the second apartment would cost quite a bit more in the winter, for heat, than I expected…but the location would save me transportation costs. The lease agreement seemed to be standard, compared with the information I found online. In the end I like both places, even though they are both pretty small. But I prefer the first landlord. Skills Alert: Scheduling, Budgeting and Accounting, Level 3 Ash: [Speaking on telephone with his clipboard of papers in his hand] Hey, Mr. Lang. I’m just following up on the apartment, is it still available? Great! [Ash smiles] good…yeah…no that’s good. Uh, when could I pick up the key? Okay good! Skills Alert: Oral Communication, Level 1 Ash: I’m definitely excited about my new apartment, but now I’ve got to pack all of my stuff and move it to the new place. [Screenshot of his apartment with packed bins. He uses a tape measure to get the size of one of his packed bins.] Skills Alert: Measurement and Calculation, Level 1 Ash: [Searching through his packed bags] I wish I had money for a mover but with my new budget forget it! Guess I’ll have to call a couple of friends and see if they can help. Skills Alert: Problem Solving, Level 2 |